Internal telephone credit management

Phone Collection C.P.S. differs from most Phone Collection services in that it is not a call center at all, but a strictly in-house structure,with contracted staff, technically specialized in the telephone management of the primary stages of litigation as well as the recovery of litigation in termination.

C.P.S. has always made it one of the company’s cornerstones to refuse to adapt to the logic of the call center, never relying on outside services, as the primary and constitutive goal is a distinctive service in achieving the highest level of quality, not quantity.

Thanks to the strict preservation of this prerogative, C.P.S. has positioned itself over the years at the top of financial credit management and recovery as an example and guarantee of quality in the performance and thorough control of each and every position entrusted to the Phone Collection service. The in-house staff is highly qualified in the specific areas and for process focus by type of credit.

The Phone Collection C.P.S. service, moreover, for years now has been perfectly aligned with the contemporary social fabric in which, by now, communities of different ethnicities, (Romania, Philippines, etc.) are fully intergrated, (Romania, Philippines, etc.) making use of the collaboration of multi-ethnic native speakers of excellence in the field of debt collection, to ensure optimal communication and exponentially improved results.